Modern Monster

Introducing Modern Monster – an augmented reality experience designed to show the sensory overload to which our society is exposed every day.

Stimulus overload: How our modern world creates a monster

People are confronted, or rather inundated, with countless visual and auditory stimuli every day. The brain must absorb and process it all, whether it‘s ambient noise, conversations, radios, televisions, or glowing street signs. But not only since the time of Reels and TikToks, in which we are fed with new input every second, our brain is exposed to a massive stimulus overload, but in general we are bombarded by the permanent accessibility with calls, emails and notifications. This splitsecond intake and processing that the brain has to perform leads to overwhelm, panic and stress in many people - the biggest monster of our fast-paced world. Everything is supposed to happen at the same time, you don‘t want to miss anything and the pressure to perform at school, university and work is tremendous. More and more is demanded and those who take breaks are labeled as lazy and unproductive. Mental health completely falls by the wayside with this mindset. Although we know that stress is the biggest enemy of body, mind and soul. Many diseases are triggered by overwork and stress, yet nothing is done in our system to reduce stress levels.

10 pictures showing the process of the video
10 pictures showing the process of the video
10 pictures showing the process of the video

Please, take a break!

And that's exactly why you should treat yourself to breaks more often. Breaks where you can simply isolate yourself from the world and enjoy complete silence. This is the only way for the brain to regenerate, recharge its batteries and detach itself from this omnipresent monster. For a healthier, more relaxed and fulfilling life.

3 mockups showing the poster
3 mockups showing the poster
3 mockups showing the poster

Selina Allerstorfer


Selina Allerstorfer


Selina Allerstorfer